Tag Archives: Tenille Arts

Tenille Arts Shares Every Day From 2020

Tenille Arts Shares Every Day From 2020

Can you remember what you did every day of 2020? Tenille Arts‘ makes sure to video at least some part of every day so she can look back on her year…and now she’s sharing that video log with you. Tenille comments “Can we agree that this was simultaneously the longest and fastest year of all…MORE

Tenille Arts Still Has Her Favorite Christmas Gift from Her Childhood

Tenille Arts Still Has Her Favorite Christmas Gift from Her Childhood

Sometimes a Christmas gift can be more than just a trendy toy that a kid will play with for a while, and then stick in the bottom of a toy box. For Tenille Arts, a gift she received when she was a teenager helped set her life down the path it’s on today. “My favorite…MORE

Tenille Arts Uses True Love To Inspire “Somebody Like That”

Tenille Arts Uses True Love To Inspire “Somebody Like That”

Tenille Arts’ song “Somebody Like That” lists all the things that can go wrong with love, but then pivots to the promise of uncompromising love. As she sings in the song, “the real thing won’t be easy, it may take a while.” But, with using her parents as an example of lasting love, Tenille thinks…MORE
